Thursday, 25 June 2015

Hi guys, I am creating this blog to add some posts and videos related to placements which helps you to get a chance to get placed in a reputed organisation for a better career.Hope you all enjoy going through this blog everyday and know the latest updates.
       It is almost the moment where the talk on placements is going thick in air. Be it a career plan or a back up option, each of us have that unquenched thirst for a job, the first job!! We all yearn for that job which pays a 6 digit salary with a leisurely framed work schedule and a cozy social life- the perfect definition of sinecure. Some are particular on jobs in the core, some on programming, while some Good Samaritans be like- I need a job, whatever it is into!!
                            This is the time where we take things on a serious note and start some groundwork to make it to our dream companies. Stick on to your schedule and work on those areas you feel you’re weak at. Grab a few editorials and give a quick read to improve your reading comprehension. Add a few fresh words to your vocabulary. Crack those conundrums and refine your reasoning ability. Brush up your programming skills. Take a deep breath. Relax, resume with your schedule.

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