Friday, 17 July 2015

Idioms and Phrases

Idioms and phrases

to make clean breast of to confess without of reserve
child's play a very easy thing
bird's eyeview to general view from above
to scale up to measure
to clear the air to remove tension
to chew the chud to think deeply
to keep one's temper to be in good mood
tipped off given advanced information
between the devil and the deep sea to be in dilemma
to cut the crackle to stop talking and start
out and out absolutely
the cold shoulder ignored me
passed himself off pretended to be
no axe to grind to act selflessly
hanging fire going on slowly
die in harness die while still working
to play foul to do something wrong
to give currency to to pay much attention to
big draw a huge attraction
a fool's paradise to live in illusions
the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end
lost heart became discouraged
to miss the boat to miss an opportunity
to have cold feet to be reluctant
let the grass grow under his feet loitered around
with might and main with full vigour
on the nod on credit
back stairs influence secret and unfair influence
to see red to find fault with
rainy days unlucky times
let on reveal
a good samaritan a genuinely helpful person
blue blood an aristocrat
at one's wit's end to be completely confused
to play with fool
black sheep an unworthy person
pillar to post one place to another
a snake in the grass an unrecognizable enemy
have a go make an attempt
to turn over a new leaf to change one's behaviour for the better
oily tongue flattery
lions share greater share of a thing
to bury the hatchet to make up a quarrel
at sea perplexed
in deep water in real trouble
to look blue to look sad
stem from originate
take it ill to be offended
in a delicate state hanging by a hair
to bell the cat to take lead in danger

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